The company

Largest filter factory in Latin America.

Compliance – CTec

TECFIL aims to maintain the honest and fair behavior of its administrative and operational practices, which provides a respectful and sustainable relationship with its various stakeholders, namely workers, shareholders, suppliers, customers, partners, community and government.

Based on this relationship model and within its culture of management excellence, Tecfil implemented this year the Compliance - C-Tec project, aimed at spreading the culture of internal controls, eliminating risks and maintaining compliance with legislation and their internal standards.

Compliance at Tecfil is a commitment of all its employees and managers, C-Tec included, among others, the creation of an Internal Controls and Compliance Committee - CCIC, the establishment of policies, review of existing ones, the continuous work of training to ensure the alignment of the guidelines and the availability of a denunciation channel that is independent, impartial and open to all its audiences to report deviations and irregularities that they suspect or identify related to Legality, Ethics or Conduct by those acting in the Company’s name.

Denunciation Channel

All listed channels will generate a protocol for monitoring. Use this tool deliberately for process credibility.

Telephone: 0800-450-4507

(Toll free from anywhere in Brazil. With attendant: From Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m and answering machine: 24h)

Electronic Denunciation Form Click here to know our policies